McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre (The Tip)

McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre (The Tip)

The McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre (The Tip) is located at McRobies Road, South Hobart.

You can contact us on 03 6238 2581. In the case of unexpected closures, an announcement will be published at the top of the website for the duration of the closure.

The City of Hobart is preparing for life without its own landfill, and has set a target date of 2030 to cease the operation of the landfill at McRobies Gully in South Hobart. The City has developed the Waste Management Strategy 2015-2030(PDF, 3MB) to implement significant waste reduction actions and programs with the primary aim to achieve zero waste to landfill.

Opening hours

Please note: our closing time from Monday to Friday is now 4 pm.

Monday to Friday 7.30 am – 4 pm
Saturday to Sunday 10 am – 4 pm
Public Holidays 10 am – 4 pm
Christmas Day, New Years Day and Good Friday Closed

Fees and charges

For all tip fees and charges please refer to our Fees and Charges page.

Landfill Levy

A Tasmanian State Government Landfill Levy applies to all waste to landfill in Tasmania.

The Government has set the levy at $44.88 per tonne. Landfill operators are required to charge the Levy to landfill users and provide the funds collected to the Government.

In Hobart this occurs at the weighbridge at McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre where customers can expect:

  • an additional $44.88 per tonne on the standard charge for general mixed waste
  • an additional $18 charge on the minimum light vehicle general mixed waste charge.

Some waste categories are not subject to the Levy including green waste and recyclable materials such as steel, cardboard and glass containers. For these products the City does not be apply any levy component.

The levy is used to fund recycling and resource recovery infrastructure and programs across Tasmania, and lead to more resource recovery and less landfill.

To minimise the impact of the levy, separate your waste, use the various recycling and re-use avenues available such as your kerbside recycling and FOGO, the recycling facilities at the waste transfer station, and re-usable and recyclable items accepted by the Tip Shop.

For more information on the Levy, please visit the Department of Natural Resources and Environment Tasmania website.

Good Neighbour Agreement

The City and the South Hobart Community have developed a Good Neighbour Agreement for the McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre.

The Agreement aims to replicate the process of being good residential neighbours, including things like keeping noise down, having properties looking neat and tidy, good open and honest communication, and looking out for each other. The City has held meetings, presented at public forums, and attended South Hobart events to field any questions the community has about the Waste Management Centre.

For more information please see the Good Neighbour Agreement(PDF, 1MB).