Stormwater and urban waterways

Stormwater and urban waterways

Water is an integral part of the culture and geography of Hobart, from kunanyi/Mt Wellington to the Derwent Estuary.

Rainfall that lands on roofs, roads and other formed surfaces becomes stormwater runoff.

The City of Hobart is responsible for managing stormwater runoff so that it does not cause a flood risk to the community or degrade our natural waterways.

Flood modelling for the City has recently been updated. For more information about whether your property is in a potential inundation risk area, and a link to the updated flood maps, visit our understanding flood risk page.

The City of Hobart owns over 350 kilometres of stormwater pipes and maintains more than 60 kilometres of waterways and creeks. These are managed in line with our Stormwater System Management Plan.

You can learn more in the guide to stormwater infrastructure brochure(PDF, 357KB), and viewing a map of the City's stormwater infrastructure.

What is not stormwater?

Stormwater doesn't include water from a number of other sources, which can also cause issues for ratepayers and the general public, such as:

  • Potable water: Drinking water provided by TasWater
  • Recycled water: Non-potable water provided for farming use by TasWater
  • Effluent: Sewerage taken by TasWater and moved through the sewer network using a combination of gravity and pressure pipes. Sewerage usually has an odour and some cloudiness
  • Groundwater: The water in the soil below the surface of the ground, which can rise and pool at the surface after heavy rainfall. We are not responsible for groundwater as it can’t be collected by our drainage network
  • Surface water/overland sheet flow: Water which naturally flows across natural ground and has not been concentrated by a drain, surface channel, subsoil drain, or pipe. This often occurs at the fringes of the City where properties back on to natural bushland. Surface water/overland sheet flow is not regulated by Tasmanian law.

Request for a stormwater service connection

If your property does not have a connection into the City of Hobart's public stormwater system, you may need to connect your private stormwater to the public system.

Most properties are able to connect to the City of Hobart’s stormwater system. Connecting to the system allows for sufficient drainage to lessen soakage issues and the risk of flooding.

The connection is completed by City of Hobart officers. These officers are trained to make sure no damage occurs to your property or the public system from the new connection.

If you would like to request the City of Hobart to provide a stormwater connection to your property (at your cost), please complete the online request form.

Report a problem or fault

Contact the City of Hobart to report damages to publicly owned stormwater assets, such as leaks from overflowing inspection openings, pipe blockages, or open waterway blockages on 03 6238 2711.

In a life threatening emergency call Triple Zero, 000, immediately.

For general help in a flood or storm call the SES on 132 500.

To report any faults or emergencies with the water main and sewerage systems, or if you have any general queries relating to these systems, please contact TasWater on 13 6992 or email

Dial Before You Dig

The City's stormwater and waterways assets are listed with Dial Before You Dig or you can telephone 1100 during business hours.