No Spray Register

Applications for the No Spray Register are open until 1 August each year.

Our Urban Weed Control Program targets vegetation and weeds on urban streets, footpaths, kerb, gutters and property frontages.

The program includes the use of chemical herbicides. If you do not want us to spray on the road reserve in front of or alongside your property you can apply to be listed on the No Spray Register.

There are four spray cycles per year, which are based on the life cycle of the weeds and aimed at stopping any spread of seeds. Generally, spraying is carried out in September, December, February and May. The timing of this program depends on seasonal growth and weather conditions.

If you are on the No Spray Register you assume responsibility for the management of weeds on the road reserve in front of or alongside your property.


To apply you must provide a management plan with your method of control for weeds and how often you will do it. Find out about some other forms of weed control on our alternative weed control methods page.

For further information on how a request is considered, including the responsibilities of the applicant and Council, please refer to the No Spray Register Policy.

We will inspect the area every 3 months to make sure that you are controlling weeds to a satisfactory standard. If at any time we feel you are not controlling weeds to a satisfactory standard, we will resume responsibility for the maintenance, including the use of chemical products.

For those wishing to apply to be on the No Spray Register, please remember:

  • All requests are current for 24 months from 30 June the year of application, after this time your request will expire.
  • If you would like to remain on the register, you will need to renew your request by completing the online form and select the renewal option.
  • Applications are open for 2 months only from 1 June - 1 Aug.
  • Please note any requests made before 1 May will only be valid until June 30 of the same year. Requests made after 31 May will be valid for 24 months from 30 June the year of the request.

If you would like to join the No Spray Register or renew your request you can submit the online form.

Apply now

A printable form can be found on our forms page.

Footpath markings

Footpath marking

You may notice orange dots on footpaths around Hobart, these are to mark No Spray Register properties.

The approved no spray area will be marked by two orange marker dots (one at each property boundary) installed on the footpath as close to the front edge of the property as possible.

The City of Hobart will include directions to contractors in the form of a list and maps regarding the exclusion zones for the No Spray Register to ensure compliance as far as is reasonably practicable.

The marker dots have been installed by the City at the City's cost.

No Spray Zones

If your property has been listed on the City of Hobart's No Spray Register it will be your responsibility to keep the No Spray Zone free of weeds.

Edges of No Spray Zones are marked by orange caps.

No Spray Zones start from the road edge, include the curb, and finish at your property boundary.