Hobart Climate Assembly

Hobart Climate Assembly

The Hobart Climate Assembly is an important part of developing a new Climate Strategy.

The strategy will outline the actions we need to take as a city and a community to reach our goal of being a climate ready Hobart.

The Hobart Climate Assembly was made up of 33 people representing the diversity of the Hobart community.

They worked together over two weekends to identify solutions that reflect the community's priorities.

To do this they heard from climate experts, leaders and other community members.

The process was be independently facilitated, and the assembly's recommendations will be provided to the Council's Elected Members to inform the final Climate Strategy.

Report of the Hobart Climate Assembly

Report of the Hobart Climate Assembly(PDF, 9MB)

Find out more about what Climate Ready Hobart means and how the Climate Strategy will help us get there on the Climate Ready Hobart page.