Other useful accessible information
Useful links to services available locally in Hobart.
Disability Voices Tasmania
A community organisation run by people with disability, working with people with disability, families and allies to build a collective voice.
Disability Voices Tasmania website
Australian Human Rights Commission
Promoting the rights of people with disability.
Australian Human Rights Commission website
Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner
The Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner can help with discrimination issues.
Office of the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner website
Intellectual Disability Rights
A service provider for assistance with legal problems.
Intellectual Disability Rights website
Tasmanian Home and Community Care (HACC)
Provides funding for basic community care services to support people living with disability.
Tasmanian Home and Community Care website
The National Assistance Card
The National Assistance Card helps communicate individual's unique impacts and highlights any assistance they may need in relation to their disability or health condition.
National Assistance Card website
Can't Wait Card
To help gain access to toilets in times of emergency for persons formerly diagnosed with inflammatory bowel disease.
Can't Wait Card website
Concessions and discounts
More information about Tasmania's concession program.
Concessions website
Women with Disabilities Australia
Learn more about the new app, Sunny, for Women with Disability.
Women with Disabilities Australia website
People with Disability Australia
A national disability rights, advocacy and representative organisation.
People with Disability Australia website
Blind Citizens Australia
Blind Citizens Australia (BCA) is the national representative organisation for people who are blind or vision impaired.
Blind Citizens Australia website
VisAbility Tasmania
VisAbility supports people with vision impairment across Tasmania to live the life they want, with confidence.
VisAbility Tasmania website
Expression Australia
Through their interpreting service they provide Auslan (Australian Sign Language) interpreting, notetaking, captioning, transcription and translation services for people who are Deaf and hard of hearing.
Expression Australia website
Autism Tasmania
Autism Tasmania is the peak independent voice for the Tasmanian autism community.
Autism Tasmania website
Physical Disability Australia
Physical Disability Australia is a national peak Disability Peoples Organisation (DPO) run by people with physical disability for people with physical disability.
Physical Disability Australia website
Brain Injury Association of Tasmania
The Brain Injury Association of Tasmania (BIAT) provides a voice for people living with or impacted by brain injury in Tasmania.
Brain Injury Association of Tasmania website