Walk Against Elder Abuse

Walk against elder abuse.png

Join COTA (Council on the Ageing) Tasmania us as they come together with communities around the world to combat elder abuse.

The City of Hobart will once again support this important annual community event that highlights the need for all of us to be aware of the signs of elder abuse, and to assist older members of the community to get the support, resources and services they need to eradicate it.

1 in 6 older Australians living in the community experience elder abuse every year.

Communities that devalue or ignore older people are more likely to ignore their abuse. The first step towards changing this is for Tasmanians of all generations to stamp out the ageism that helps elder abuse thrive.

COTA's annual Walks Against Elder Abuse are short enough for most people to participate but long on passion and optimism. Following the walk, gather for refreshments and to come together as a community against agesim.

Wear something purple, the colour of World Elder Abuse Awareness Day held on the same day in June each year, and dress for the season.

Friday 14 June: We gather in Elizabeth Street Mall at 9.45 am for a 10 am start. Followed by refreshments at Mather's House supported by the City of Hobart.

If you would like to register to attend you can do that here.

For further information please contact COTA at admin@cotatas.org.au or 03 6231 3265.


  • Friday, 14 June 2024 | 09:45 AM - 12:00 PM


Elizabeth Street Mall, Hobart, 7000, View Map

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