The City of Hobart Community Grant provides financial assistance to not-for-profit organisations and community groups wishing to undertake activities that involve, engage and benefit the Hobart community.
Community Grants are provided to support groups to deliver community-based programs, activities and events that align with relevant objectives of the Capital City Strategic Plan, Social Inclusion Policy(PDF, 76KB), Community Inclusion and Equity Framework, as well as related community strategies.
What funds are available?
$1000 - $5000
Where can I find the guidelines?
Community Grant Guidelines(PDF, 164KB)
Am I eligible to apply?
If you are one of the eligible applicant types, have public liability insurance (or willingness to obtain) and have not received funding this financial year from the City of Hobart, then yes.
You must also have fulfilled the conditions of a previous City of Hobart grant by the due date and have no overdue debts to the City.
Visit Page 2 of the Guidelines for more information.
What kind of activities can be funded?
Activities that:
What are the priority areas?
- Truth and Reconciliation
- Inclusion and Access
- Wellbeing and Knowledge
- Safety and Resilience
When does the project need to start or end by?
1 July 2025 – 30 June 2026
What if my project is already underway?
No, as this will likely fall outside of the eligible project timeframe. If the project is broken up into distinct stage and you are seeking funding for a future stage it may be eligible. Talk to us if you are unsure.
Where can my activity take place?
The activities of the grant must take place in the City of Hobart local government area.
What are the boundaries of the Hobart Local Government Area?
View this interactive map to zoom into the boundaries of the Hobart Local Government Area.
I don't live in Hobart, can I apply?
Yes, as long as the activities supported by the grant occur in and provide benefit to the City of Hobart local government area.
What happens if I miss the submission deadline?
Late submissions are not accepted. It is best to ensure the application is submitted well before time.
Can I apply for in-kind costs?
This is a cash grant and in-kind requests are not available in this grant.
Please see the In-kind Venue and Event Resource Quick Response Grant for in-kind support for up to $1000.
When will applicants be notified of the outcome?
Application outcomes will not be announced until May 2025 and payments will not be made until June 2025.
I am not sure if I have an outstanding acquittal?
Please email with details of the past grant you have received.
Include your:
- application number
- name of project
- name of applicant
- auspicing body.
How do I apply?
Applications must read the guidelines in their entirety before applying, then submit application forms through the SmartyGrants portal.
Applicants are required to register for a SmartyGrants account. There is a SmartyGrants Help Guide available that explains essential steps needed to complete and submit an application form.
When will the grant be open again?
This grant round is biannual and will reopen again in July.
Check the website for most up to date information on all our programs.
How do I find out more about the Community Grant?
- Review the Community Grant Guidelines(PDF, 164KB), ensuring to pay particular attention to eligibility and assessment criteria.
- Review the rest of the information on this page for further details and resources on our programs.
- Contact our friendly team by emailing us at, and include 'Community Grant' in the subject line.