Terms and conditions
Please read the following terms and conditions prior to making a booking. These terms and conditions are also contained in the booking confirmation letter.
Terms and Conditions:
- Payment must be received before your booking can be confirmed.
- The booking fee is refundable if seven (7) working days notice of cancellation is provided prior to your booking date. Notification must be made in writing to parks@hobartcity.com.au.
- The site must be vacated at the completion of the approved booking period.
- The area is to be maintained and left in a clean and tidy condition with all litter generated to be placed in the bins provided or to be removed from the site.
- Please do not feed the ducks or other wildlife.
- No dogs are allowed.
- Access is NOT permitted within the fenced area surrounding the reservoirs. The water stored in the reservoirs is drinking water.
- Vehicles are not to exceed the speed limit of 20km/hour.
- All vehicles are to be removed from the Reserve by closing time (4.00pm during winter and 9.00 pm during the daylight saving period)
- Vehicles not removed by closing time will be locked in the Reserve (A re-opening fee will be charged for after hours gate openings)
- Power supply is NOT available at the sites.
- All tents, umbrellas, marquees or other similar structures are to be free standing. Pegs are NOT permitted to be driven into the Reserve unless authorised by the City of Hobart.
- Charges will apply for any damage to the City of Hobart's property or vegetation.
- The consumption of alcohol is required to be in accordance with Responsible Service of Alcohol guidelines and principles to ensure the safety of attendees and the consideration of all reserve users. Should the consumption of alcohol be planned as part of the use of the site, you are required to advise the City as a condition of the booking.
- Where alcohol is to be sold, you will need to contact the Department of Treasury and Finance, Liquor and Gaming to arrange a Liquor Licence.
- Directions from Council Officers must be respected.
- All bookings are subject to cancellation by the Director Parks and City Amenity, or his/her representative, where wildfire or extreme conditions may pose a threat to users or for any other reason deemed necessary.
- Additional special conditions may be advised as part of your booking approval.
- Confetti, rice or similar materials are NOT permitted in the Reserve.
Orienteering Events
- A map of the intended course and a copy of public liability insurance must be lodged with the City of Hobart seven (7) days prior to the event.