Committee membership and terms of reference

Committee agendas are available from the City of Hobart website four days before the meeting and a small number of printed agendas are available at each meeting.

The full Council meeting schedule is advertised annually in The Mercury in January, and is available on the website at any time on the Meeting Schedule for Council and Committees page. These dates may change so always double-check closer to the date of the meeting you are interested in.

Committee meetings start at 4 pm.

Planning Authority Committee

The Planning Authority Committee has full powers of the Council as planning authority under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993.

In particular, the committee determines applications for planning permits and amendments to planning schemes as well as consider the introduction of local planning provisions.

The committee operates under the Planning Authority Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 537KB) .

Appointed Members

  • Councillor Dutta (Chairperson)
  • The Lord Mayor Councillor Reynolds
  • Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Sherlock
  • Councillor Harvey
  • Councillor Posselt
  • Councillor Lohberger
  • Councillor Kitsos

Nominee Members

  • Alderman Zucco
  • Councillor Kelly
  • Councillor Elliot
  • Alderman Bloomfield
  • Councillor Coats

The Hobart Workshop Committee

The Hobart Workshop Committee has been established pursuant to section 23 of the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas), to assist the Council in carrying out its functions and powers under the Local Government Act 1993 (Tas) and under other Acts, in respect to lower-order policy and strategic matters such as (by not limited to):

  • leases;
  • Special Committee reports;
  • Executive reports; and
  • review of Council policies.

The Committee is also fully delegated under the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 (Tas) as the planning authority, in respect to matters deferred to the Committee by the Planning Authority Committee.

The agenda of the Committee also provides for a workshop component. Workshops are an important forum for Elected Members to be able to consider and provide input on matters before they are presented to a Council meeting for determination. In accordance with the Committees Terms of References, no decision may be made for any items included on the agenda for workshopping.

Members of the public are welcome to attend the meeting which is held twice a month.

The Hobart Workshop Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 568KB)

Appointed Members

  • Deputy Lord Mayor Councillor Sherlock
  • Councillor Kelly
  • Councillor Elliot
  • Alderman Bloomfield
  • Councillor Posselt
  • Councillor Lohberger
  • Councillor Kitsos

Nominee Members

  • Lord Mayor Councillor Reynolds
  • Alderman Zucco
  • Councillor Harvey
  • Councillor Dutta
  • Councillor Coats

Meeting location

Meetings of the Hobart Workshop Committee will vary between Town Hall and at off-site locations within the Community. A list of currently programmed off-site meetings is provided below. Unless listed below, by default all other meetings will be held in the Lady Osborne Room, Town Hall.

  • Monday 17 February 2025 – Lenah Valley RSL, Lenah Valley
  • Monday 24 March 2025 – Domain Athletic Centre, Queens Domain

For further information about the Committee, please contact

Special Committees

Council's Special Committees are established within the context of the Draft Community Engagement Framework, pursuant to section 24 of the Local Government Act 1993, to support Council with the implementation of the Hobart: A community vision for our island capital (Hobart Community Vision) and Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.

City Economy Committee

The City Economy Committee is an advisory committee for the purposes outlined in the Terms of Reference, and reports to Council through The Hobart Workshop Committee.

City Economy Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 627KB)

The City Economy Committee focuses on:

  • Considering macro and micro economic data available to the City from a range of sources and advising on the development of relevant economic policy.
  • Collaboration with business and government agencies to ensure that Hobart is a productive and supportive environment for conducting commercial activity that will provide benefits to Hobart and the surrounding area.


The Committee will be chaired by a City of Hobart Elected Member or Members who have been appointed by the Council.

The City Economy Committee consists of an Elected Member chairperson, and nine independent members.


The City Economy Committee members are:

  • Alderman Louise Bloomfield (Chairperson)
  • Casey Farrell
  • Edwin Johnstone
  • Lauren Purtill
  • Zephyr West
  • Brad Upton
  • Cooper Healy
  • Corey Bygraves
  • Emma Hope
  • Louise Grimmer
  • Sanaullah Shar


The objectives of the City Economy Committee are to:

  • Provide input to Council to support the development of relevant strategies and initiatives relating to the Committee's focus area, under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Contribute ideas for opportunities to work with Council on key projects relating to the portfolio area under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Support community engagement activities related to the Committee's focus area to:
  • Keep communities informed of goals and actions;
  • Involve and empower communities to determine future goals and actions.
  • Discuss the likely impact of any relevant State and Commonwealth policies on the local community in relation to the Committee's focus.
  • Support the development of recommendations for future actions regarding the Committee's focus area.
  • Consider reports on the progress of stakeholder initiatives regarding the Committee's focus area against the goals of the Hobart Community Vision and Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all other relevant committees and stakeholders, including other Council Committees.

City Heritage Committee

The City Heritage Committee is an advisory committee for the purposes outlined in the Terms of Reference, and reports to Council through The Hobart Workshop Committee.

City Heritage Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 617KB)

The City Heritage Committee focuses on:

  • Enhancing the recognition, promotion, protection and celebration cultural heritage within the Hobart municipality, including heritage places which are significant for Aboriginal people of Tasmania.
  • Focus on embracing the contributions which people from different backgrounds have made to the social fabric and the history of Hobart and how those contributions continue today.
  • Encourage members of the public and property owners to value and protect the heritage significance of heritage places and precincts within Hobart, including through the Council's regulatory role of planning and building.
  • Ensure the Council, as owner of numerous places with heritage value, is taking appropriate steps to ensure that those buildings are being managed in accordance with applicable conservation management plans and processes.
  • Monitor national and international heritage methods for the management of heritage, including the development of policy and trends, along with identifying grant opportunities.


The Committee will be chaired by a City of Hobart Elected Member or Members who have been appointed by the Council.

The City Heritage Committee consists of an Elected Member chairperson, and seven independent members.


The City Heritage Committee members are:

  • Lord Mayor Councillor Anna Reynolds (Chairperson)
  • Sherrie-lee Evans
  • Mat Hinds
  • Brendan Lennard
  • Deirdre Macdonald
  • Hugh Magnus
  • Warwick Oakman
  • Dianne Snowden


The objectives of the City Heritage Committee are to:

  • Provide input to Council to support the development of relevant strategies and initiatives relating to the Committee's focus area, under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Contribute ideas for opportunities to work with Council on key projects relating to the portfolio area under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Support community engagement activities related to the Committee's focus area to:
  • Keep communities informed of goals and actions;
  • Involve and empower communities to determine future goals and actions.
  • Discuss the likely impact of any relevant State and Commonwealth policies on the local community in relation to the Committee's focus.
  • Support the development of recommendations for future actions regarding the Committee's focus area.
  • Consider reports on the progress of stakeholder initiatives regarding the Committee's focus area against the goals of the Hobart Community Vision and Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all other relevant committees and stakeholders, including other Council Committees.

City Transport Committee

The City Transport Committee is an advisory committee for the purposes outlined in the Terms of Reference, and reports to Council through The Hobart Workshop Committee.

City Transport Committee Terms of Reference(PDF, 601KB)

The City Transport Committee focuses on:

  • Development of a City Transport Strategy, encompassing the Transport Strategy, Parking Strategy, Electric Infrastructure Transition plan and Active Transport Land Use planning.
  • Facilitate with community to develop an engagement strategy that results in informed design, encourages mode transition and infrastructure that enables mode choice across the City of Hobart.
  • Collaborate with the community, regional groups, business and government agencies achieve consistent and broad reaching transport systems improvements that will provide benefits to Hobart and the surrounding area.


The Committee will be chaired by a City of Hobart Elected Member or Members who have been appointed by the Council.

The City Transport Committee consists of an Elected Member chairperson, and nine independent members.


The City Transport Committee members are:

  • Councillor Ryan Posselt (Chairperson)
  • Christian Bell
  • Anna Blake
  • Joshua Clarke
  • Suzy Cooper
  • Alison Hetherington
  • Dominic Lang
  • Andrea Persico
  • Mathew Sharp
  • Fiona Abercrombie-Howroyd


The objectives of the City Transport Committee are to:

  • Provide input to Council to support the development of relevant strategies and initiatives relating to the Committee's focus area, under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Contribute ideas for opportunities to work with Council on key projects relating to the portfolio area under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Support community engagement activities related to the Committee's focus area to:
  • Keep communities informed of goals and actions;
  • Involve and empower communities to determine future goals and actions.
  • Discuss the likely impact of any relevant State and Commonwealth policies on the local community in relation to the Committee's focus.
  • Support the development of recommendations for future actions regarding the Committee's focus area.
  • Consider reports on the progress of stakeholder initiatives regarding the Committee's focus area against the goals of the Hobart Community Vision and Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all other relevant committees and stakeholders, including other Council Committees.

Place and Wellbeing Committee

The Place and Wellbeing Committee is an advisory committee for the purposes outlined in the Terms of Reference, and reports to Council through The Hobart Workshop Committee.

Place and Wellbeing Committee Terms of Reference (Draft)(PDF, 699KB)

The Place and Wellbeing Committee is focused on:

  • Maximizing the health and wellbeing of the City's community by creating more livable, better designed and planned, affordable and well-connected neighbourhoods through mixed land use, different housing types and greater access to quality public transport.
  • Shaping the City's health and wellbeing related strategies and plans including those related to health promotion and preventative health.
  • Provide input and directions for policies and programs that improve liveable spaces, facilities and other infrastructure the community needs to support their health and wellbeing.
  • Ways to manage growth and ensure that development is sustainable and considers climate change impacts, at the same time maximises the capacity of/for Hobart and its people.
  • Provide input into the Future Hobart plan – the overarching narrative for the future land use plan for the City.
  • To advise on strategies, plans and community programs and facilities that ensure improved the health, wellbeing, inclusion and access for all who live, work, play and visit the City of Hobart.
  • Considering the social determinants of health, public and environmental health programs, services and compliance.
  • Collaborating with health and wellbeing focused partners, stakeholders, agencies and all levels of government to avoid duplication, achieve greater efficiency, and leverage expertise and resources.


The Place and Wellbeing Committee will be chaired by a City of Hobart Elected Member or Members who have been appointed by the Council.

The Committee consists of an Elected Member chairperson, and between 6 and 12 independent members.


The Place and Wellbeing Committee members are:

  • Councillor Will Coats (Co-Chairperson)
  • Councillor Gemma Kitsos (Co-Chairperson)
  • Paul Curtain
  • Richard Metcalf
  • Nathan Volf
  • Vacant
  • Vacant
  • Vacant


The objectives of the Place and Wellbeing Committee are to:

  • Provide input to Council to support the development and implementation of relevant strategies and initiatives relating to the Committee's focus area, to achieve the objectives set out in the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Contribute ideas for opportunities to work with Council on key projects relating to the Committee's focus area under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Support community engagement activities related to the Committee's focus area to:
  • Keep communities informed of goals and actions;
  • Involve and empower communities to determine future goals and actions.
  • Discuss the likely impact of any relevant State and Commonwealth policies on the local community in relation to the portfolio.
  • Support the development of recommendations for future actions regarding the Committee's focus area.
  • Consider reports on the progress of stakeholder initiatives regarding the Committee's focus area against the goals of the Hobart Community Vision and Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all other relevant committees and stakeholders, including other Council Committees.

Climate, Sustainability and Biodiversity Committee

The Climate, Sustainability and Biodiversity Committee is an advisory committee for the purposes outlined in the Terms of Reference and reports to Council through The Hobart Workshop Committee.

Climate, Sustainability and Biodiversity Committee Terms of Reference (Draft)(PDF, 644KB)

The Climate, Sustainability and Biodiversity Committee focuses on:

  • Taking a whole-of-system view to the connection between people, climate change, sustainability, and biodiversity factors for current and future generations.
  • Embracing ways to respect, preserve and protect the natural environment, including embracing and promoting recognizably sustainable and regenerative economic principles and programs, waste avoidance, reduction, and recycling, healthy habitats for plants, animals, and marine ecosystems, implementing clean water conservation practices, renewable energy, alternative waste treatment methods and a commitment to combatting climate change.
  • Understanding the cultural connection of biodiversity and how closely linked to Tasmanian Aboriginal people.
  • Engage and collaborate with the community, business and government to inspire action and policy reform to address climate change, environmental sustainability and biodiversity improvement opportunities for long term benefits to Hobart and the surrounding area.
  • Application of 'whole of life' design principals for City infrastructure that ensures infrastructure projects are wholly sustainable in terms of input materials, ongoing operations, power generation, sustainable transport, water sensitive urban design, and end of life recycling avenues.


The Climate, Sustainability and Biodiversity Committee will be chaired by a City of Hobart Elected Member or Members who have been appointed by the Council.

The Committee consists of an Elected Member chairperson, and between 6 and 12 independent members.


The Climate, Sustainability and Biodiversity Committee members are:

  • Lord Mayor Councillor Anna Reynolds (Co-Chairperson)
  • Councillor Bill Harvey (Co-Chairperson)
  • Councillor Ben Lohberger (Co-Chairperson)
  • Steven Phipps
  • Scott Lobdale
  • Cameron McLennan
  • Margaret Taylor
  • Vacant
  • Vacant


The objectives of the Climate, Sustainability and Biodiversity Committee are to:

  • Provide input to Council to support the development and implementation of relevant strategies and initiatives relating to the portfolio area, under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023 including the Climate Ready Hobart, Transport Strategy and Biodiversity Strategy.
  • Contribute ideas for opportunities to work with Council on key projects relating to the Committee's focus area under the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Support community engagement activities related to the Committee's focus area to:
  • Keep communities informed of goals and actions;
  • Involve and empower communities to determine future goals and actions.
  • Discuss the likely impact of any relevant State and Commonwealth policies on the local community in relation to the portfolio.
  • Support the development of recommendations for future actions regarding the Committee's focus area.
  • Consider reports on the progress of stakeholder initiatives regarding the Committee's focus area against the goals of the Hobart Community Vision and Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.
  • Establish and maintain collaborative relationships with all other relevant committees and stakeholders, including other Council Committees.