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Clean Up Australia Day volunteers flock to the mountain

07 March 2024

Clean Up Australia Day

The mercury might have plummeted on kunanyi / Mt Wellington for Clean Up Australia Day on Saturday, but the enthusiasm and energy of our wonderful volunteers didn't.

Over three hours more than 60 volunteers removed 85 kilograms of rubbish from the mountain top, including cigarette butts, broken glass, two car tyres, and a golden ring!

Much of it was painstaking work, fishing out rubbish from between rock crevices and hidden in thick, closely-knit alpine vegetation.

People who live in and around Hobart are very passionate about "the mountain" and our Clean Up Australia Day volunteers clearly wanted to give something back to this very special place.

Clean Up Australia Day on kunanyi / Mt Wellington

While most of the bushland parks and reserves that surround Hobart and which are managed by the City of Hobart remain litter free, the summit of kunanyi / Mt Wellington is often hit by extremely strong wind gusts, catching many visitors by surprise and turning them into unsuspecting litterbugs.

Lightweight items such as paper, wrappers, coffee cups and sometimes even valuables like cash are easily whisked out of cars and hands and deposited in bushes and rock crevices.

The City of Hobart's Clean Up Australia Day was organised by its Bushcare program, which encourages locals to get directly involved in protecting Hobart's beautiful, natural bushlands.

To get involved with Bushcare visit the page:


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