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Drive time: Make a B-line for our B-streets

29 August 2024

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While the roads and streets that service Hobart's CBD are thoroughfares for people driving into town to find parking, go shopping or to dine out at a restaurant or café, they also service many other needs.

They help deliver the trucks that keep our stores stocked with goods. They also serve drivers travelling through town or on their way out of the city.

That's why the City of Hobart has been working closely with the Tasmanian Government to get the best out of our streets, optimising traffic signals on different roads for different users.

One of the first cabs off the rank has been working out how to help drivers cross or exit the city more reliably, so you can spend more time with your family and less time navigating traffic.

It's all about choosing the drive that gets you to your destination on time.

We call one of these prioritised routes the Three Bs – Brisbane, Bathurst, Barrack.

Memorise it. Write it down on a sticky note and put it on your dashboard. Or just remember that the Three Bs will help you beat the traffic and avoid our busiest streets when exiting the city in the afternoon.

B-Streets map

Cities change, so do transport options

Driver leaving a car park

Brisbane, Bathurst and Barrack streets have been chosen as commuter routes to help drivers get across the city more reliably in the afternoon hours between 3 and 6pm.

This frees up more space on other roads for people who visit the city to go shopping, visit restaurants and cafes, and for delivery trucks stocking up our stores.

Other city streets have signals deliberately timed to make walking easier, and to remind drivers that unless you're looking for on-street parking, there are better routes to choose to make your way across the city!

It's part of a wider transport plan for Hobart designed to give people more choice in how they move – by car, bus, walking, riding or scooting.

We want our city streets and roads to work for people, not against them.

So, if you're driving and need to get through or out of the Hobart CBD in the afternoon as efficiently as possible, remember to make a B-line for a B-Street - Brisbane, Bathurst or Barrack.

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