News from the Council meeting - 24 April 2023

Published on 24 April 2023

Council News

Crowther Reinterpreted – Addendum to Franklin Square Conservation Management Plan

The Hobart City Council has taken the next step in the removal of the William Crowther statue from Franklin Square. Council approved the addendum to the Franklin Square Conservation Master Plan which will be used in assessing the significance of the statue as part of the Development Application process. A Development Application will be lodged within the coming weeks.

An Indigenous Voice to Parliament motion

The Hobart City Council has joined a number of other councils across Australia in endorsing the 'yes' campaign for the Constitutional Recognition of an Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Voice to Parliament.

The successful motion, brought by Lord Mayor Reynolds, also re-affirmed the City of Hobart's commitment to truth-telling and reconciliation, recognised that Australia has endorsed the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (which includes the collective right to self-determination), and supports the 2017 Uluru Statement from the Heart.

Draft Waterworks Reserve Master Plan

The Hobart City Council has approved a Draft Waterworks Reserve Master Plan aimed at updating one of greater Hobart's most popular recreational destinations.

The master plan will aim to replace or upgrade deteriorating toilets, playground, landscaping and the internal road network at the Waterworks Reserve. Preliminary costings for the implementation of the master plan have been estimated at $10.5 million.

The draft master plan will now be released for four weeks public exhibition and the council has also approved a co-ordinated program of community engagement across local and broader community and key stakeholder groups.

City of Hobart Submissions

The Hobart City Council has endorsed two submissions including the City's submission to Tasmania's Draft Climate Action Plan 2023-25 Consultation,

which emphasised the need to move decisively towards a zero emission and resilient Tasmania that leaves no one behind. It also identified shared priority areas for the State and City of Hobart including public and active transport, zero emissions transport and reducing the volume of organic waste sent to landfill.

Council also endorsed a submission to the Select Committee on Australia's Disaster Resilience. The submission highlights the present and future challenges the City faces from more frequent extreme weather events caused by climate change, funding and resourcing discrepancies between levels of governments, local government cost burden, and the role and funding of local government in preparing and educating communities.

Public Interest Register and Property Developer Contact Register Policies

Two policies relating to elected member disclosure of interests were adopted by the Hobart City Council.

The Public Interest Register will see elected members provide a statement of interests within 28 days of an election including shareholdings exceeding $10,000; Trusts; property (excluding the elected members primary residence); registered directorships of companies; personal debt over $10,000 (excluding financial institutions); sponsored travel or hospitality over $300; and any election campaign donation.

An amendment was also made to request that the state government change the Local Government Act to make this register mandatory across the state as part of the City of Hobart's next submission to the Local Government Review.

The Property Developer Contract Register will see elected members report contact with property developers monthly.

These registers are in line with other jurisdictions and will be published online and made accessible to the public upon request.

Parking meters in North Hobart motion

A motion moved by Alderman Zucco and Councillor Kelly to remove eight parking meters in North Hobart was approved by council.

An amended motion which includes exploring using existing parking meter sites for a trial of two electric vehicle chargers on Elizabeth Street North Hobart; as well as reviewing off street parking times; and installing digital parking signage was deferred to a future workshop and report to council.