City of Hobart By-laws released for comment
Published on 01 June 2018
The Hobart City Council has resolved its intention to make five by-laws, to be known as the Infrastructure By-law, No. 1 of 2018; the Environmental Health By-law, No. 2 of 2018; the Waste Management By-law, No. 3 of 2018; the Public Spaces By-law, No. 4 of 2018 and the Parking By-law, No. 5 of 2018.
The Infrastructure By-law, the Environmental Health By-law and the Waste Management By-law have now closed for comment. The Public Spaces and Parking By-laws are still open for public feedback.
Public Spaces By-law
The objective of the Public Spaces By-law is to act as a mechanism for ensuring that that the activities taking place in a public place are reasonable and appropriate for the site – in all parks, gardens, beaches, waterways, natural areas and undeveloped land owned by the City of Hobart, and on highways in the Hobart municipal area. The by-law addresses the following areas:
1. Activation of public spaces
2. Protection of public spaces
3. Prohibitions in public spaces
4. Marinas and Jetties
5. Cycleways
There are a number of community benefits resulting from the introduction of this by-law: greater vibrancy in the community through a diversity of activities in a range of spaces in the municipal areas at different times of the day, including evening and night; more available open natural space; increased availability of recreational facilities; safety and amenity in public spaces for all users, including people with impaired or limited mobility.
Parking By-law
The objective of the Parking By-law is to set penalties for parking pursuant to the Local Government (Highways) Act 1982 in the Council’s municipal area.
The community will benefit from the introduction of this by-law by more efficient enforcement of on-street parking in the Council’s municipal area through the issuing of infringement notices avoiding the creation of an unnecessary burden on the court system.
Community Engagement
Copies of the by-laws and their respective regulatory impact statements are available on the City of Hobart’s online community engagement platform, or can be inspected at the Council’s Customer Service Centre, 16 Elizabeth Street, Hobart between the hours of 8.30 am and 5.15 pm, Monday to Friday until:
The Public Spaces By-law and the Parking By-law: Friday 22 June
The Council invites submissions in respect of the proposed by-laws, either online or in writing to the General Manager, City of Hobart, GPO Box 530, Hobart, 7001, stating the grounds of the submission and the facts relied upon in support of those grounds. Submissions must be lodged before:
The Public Spaces By-law and the Parking By-law: 5.15 pm Friday 22 June
Public enquiries on the content and effect of the proposed by-laws can be made by contacting the City of Hobart's Manager Legal and Governance, Mr Paul Jackson, on 6238 2861.