News from Council Meeting - 14 June 2022
Published on 14 June 2022
Council acting as Planning Authority
Council dealt with multiple development applications regarding 209-213 and 215-217 Harrington Street. Council refused the first application which involved the demolition of the existing structure for the construction of a food services business based on inconsistency with zone purpose statements, and not meeting certain performance criteria. An additional application at the same property was extended for further consideration.
An additional development application for the construction of 19 new dwellings and a fitness centre on New Town road was approved.
Council also approved several applications for temporary housing, and the upgrade of an existing telecommunications facility in New Town.
Enterprise Road Sandy Bay
Council resolved to endorse a report regarding the rezoning of properties on Enterprise Road, Sandy Bay, from General Residential to Low Density Residential, and to extend the Biodiversity Protection Area Overlay across the rezoned area.
Amendments to Planning Legislation
A proposal from the Tasmanian State Government to amend the Land Use Planning and Approvals Act 1993 led to a consultation report regarding amendments to the process for major projects. Council resolved to endorse the response provided regarding the proposed legislation amendments.
Consultation on e-scooters
Following a motion on 31 January 2022 regarding consultation with various groups, including disability groups, seniors' groups, Tasmania Police and the Anti-Discrimination Commissioner, City of Hobart staff conducted several sessions with residents in the months since. The Council received the report and endorsed the recommendations including the investigation of mixed-use micro-mobility lanes and parking zones; additional training, safety awareness, and input for senior Tasmanians and disability groups, and attendance at the State Government round table forum discussing micro-mobility.
2022-23 Fees and Charges
The schedule of fees and charges was adopted for the 2022-23 financial year except for existing fees and charges relating to Food Truck Permits which will be maintained at the 2021-22 rate.
Officers will also prepare a report considering separate fees for residential planning applications costing between $200 001 and $600 000 to recognise affordable housing development.