News from the Hobart City Council meeting 9 December

Published on 10 December 2024

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Derwent River Ferry Expansion

Increasing transport choices for Hobart residents is at the heart of a project to add a new passenger ferry terminal in Sandy Bay.  Through independent technical undertakings the site at Lords Beach in Sandy Bay has been identified as a potentially suitable site to help grow the expanded Greater Hobart service along with new proposed terminals at Wilkinsons Point in Glenorchy and Natone Bay in Lindisfarne, pending final approvals.

Following the decision by council a thorough consultation plan will now commence to hear feedback from the community about plans for the site. This will then be presented as a report back to council in 2025 for consideration.

Work will now progress on securing the necessary statutory approvals, finalising designs, and procuring contractors for construction. The Derwent Ferry expansion is a collaborative project with both the Federal and State Government and made possible by the successful advocacy of the Greater Hobart mayors, securing $20 million in federal funding to construct the three new terminals.

kunanyi/Mount Wellington and Wellington Park Strategic Review - Council Submission

The City of Hobart’s submission towards the Strategic Review of kunanyi/Mount Wellington and Wellington Park, Our Mountain’s Future highlights the community’s values and vision for the park’s future and builds on previous work by the Wellington Park Management Trust.

Pedestrian Only Phase - 12-month Review and Next Steps

The City of Hobart will continue with pedestrian-only phase crossings (or "scramble crossings" as they are popularly referred to) at key CBD intersections following a successful 12-month trial.

Scramble Crossings are designed to create a safer and quicker way for people walking across the city. People can walk straight or diagonally meaning you cross the road once, not twice. Then When lights go green, cars can turn freely making it faster for cars too who no longer need to wait for people walking first.

The trial demonstrated that the traffic network can accommodate these changes.

Plans are underway to implement permanent upgrades including signage, at the Murray/Collins and Murray/Liverpool Street intersections, supported by public awareness campaigns to help educate and guide both people walking and driving. This initiative aligns with the City’s commitment to enhancing  safety for people walking under the Central Hobart Plan and the Inner Hobart Transport Network Operations Plan.

Draft Hobart Waste Management Strategy 2025

A total of 42,000 tonnes of waste is currently generated in Hobart each year, which equates to an average of over 730 kg per person. Tor reduce this volume; we need to ensure our waste management services and supporting infrastructure reflects best practices. The City of Hobart’s draft Hobart Waste Management Strategy 2025, Towards Zero Waste to Landfill, sets a vision for a low-waste, circular economy.

The draft strategy builds upon the last one developed in 2015, which contained 91 actions and commitments, with the vast majority of these now complete. It will now be released for community and stakeholder consultation and engagement before returning to council. The draft strategy outlines clear actions to reduce waste to landfill, increase resource recovery, and achieve ambitious waste reduction targets. Community feedback will inform the final strategy, ensuring a collaborative approach to future waste management. The council is standing by its previous commitment to close McRobies Gully landfill site by 2030 as well as the 2040 Climate Ready Hobart Strategy.

Proposed Lease - Cornelian Bay Sportsground

The Hobart City Council has approved a lease agreement with TasWater for a section of the Cornelian Bay Sportsground to support essential infrastructure works. The lease will run for one year, with an option for monthly extensions up to two years and includes strict operating hours and community consultation requirements. TasWater will rehabilitate the site to a high standard after the lease, ensuring it is suitable for recreational use and landscaped to enhance the area.

Expression of Interest - Sauna License, Long Beach, Sandy Bay

The City of Hobart is looking to capitalise on the increasing popularity of sauna experiences across Tasmania and commence an expression of Interest process to select a commercial operator for a temporary sauna at Long Beach (south), Sandy Bay. The sauna will operate from April to October, activating the area, providing health and wellbeing benefits for the community. The selected operator will be granted a one-year license, with the option for a two-year extension, under commercial terms.