News from tonight’s council meeting

Published on 12 December 2023


Impact of diesel fumes from tourist buses in Battery Point petition response

In response to a Battery Point Community Association petition received by the Council at its 25 September 2023 meeting, the Hobart City Council will advise the association that there is no clear evidence at this stage nor ability on the part of council to prohibit diesel buses from travelling through Battery Point. In response to the petition, the Tasmanian Environmental Protection Agency will conduct air quality testing in Battery Point with findings provided when completed.

Annual Plan Progress Report for the period ending 30 September 2023

Council noted the Annual Plan Progress Report which has 83 major actions and initiatives listed. Implementation for the period 1 July to 30 September 2023 has seen 81 per cent of major actions and initiatives completed, in progress or on track but not started, 17 per cent are in progress but have met with some delay and 2 per cent are on hold. Highlights in this period include: the City successfully delivered the Ability to Create program, implemented the City Economy Strategy and renewed MOU with the Wellington Park Management Trust.

Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre – Warm Water Pool Project update

The proposed Doone Kennedy Hobart Aquatic Centre – Warm Water Pool and Wellness Centre Project will not proceed at this stage. The Federal and State Governments will be advised of this change to the project. However, the Hobart City Council and stakeholders will continue to seek and advocate for funding for this important community asset and hope to have a positive outcome in the near future.

Proposed Expansion – Sandy Bay Croquet Club

In-principle landlord approval has been given to the Sandy Bay Croquet Club for a more detailed design and consultation plan for an expansion to a fourth lawn. Due to popular demand, the club has had to cap its membership at 105 with a waiting list to join. After completion of more detailed designs, the club must undertake community consultation and present to council for consideration.

Family Friendly City update

The Hobart City Council received a report titled the “Family Friendly City Update” and an elected member workshop on Cr Louise Elliot’s Family Friendly CBD Notice of Motion will be scheduled for the first half of next year.

Business Events Tasmania Annual Funding Submission 2023-24

The Hobart City Council recommitted to Business Events Tasmania (BET) via the creation of a Grant Agreement. In the 2022-23 financial year, BET generated an estimated $57.5 million in direct economic expenditure for Hobart. The council allocated $80,000 for the financial year 2023-24. While this is a lesser amount than the City has provided in recent years (Covid-19 pandemic aside) it has been determined as financially prudent, provides significant funding to BET and provides the City with value for money.

Code of Conduct Determination Report

A Code of Conduct Determination Report against Lord Mayor Anna Reynolds was received and noted. The report found Cr Reynolds breached the code of conduct for bringing the role of an elected member into disrepute, failing to uphold relationships with the community, elected members or council employees, and her personal behaviour had the potential to reflect adversely on the reputation of the council. Cr Reynolds received a caution for the breaches.

Officer Reports Notice of Motion – Cr Louise Elliot

It is desired all reports that come to council include a full description of costs for the entirety of the activity, describe the use of external consultants, and describe what, if any, opportunities there are for council to collaborate with other councils to share information and resources.

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