Pinnacle Road reopens to summit of kunanyi / Mt Wellington

Published on 25 May 2018

The road to the summit of kunanyi / Mt Wellington reopened on Saturday 26 May after suffering extensive damage during the massive storm that hit Hobart recently.

Wellington Park also re-opened on Saturday, with almost all tracks and trails on the mountain accessible to the public.

However, anyone visiting the City of Hobart’s parks and bushland reserves is reminded to show extra care. The combination of soils saturated by the floods and then high winds earlier this week has made trees unstable, and patches of erosion remain from the floods.

Tracks that will remain closed are:

  • The Lost World track.
  • Middle Track between Fern Tree Park and Reservoir Trail.
  • North-South Track between Lenah Valley Fire Trail and Kangaroo Fire Trail.
  • Snake Plains Track.
  • Pinnacle Track (closed for upgrade).
  • Lenah Valley Fire Trail.

The record rainfall that hit kunanyi / Mt Wellington in the 24 hours to 9 am on Friday 11 May – 235.2mm – gouged more than 80 tonnes of gravel from the sides of Pinnacle Road, creating washouts, flash-flooding and making it extremely unsafe.   

The City was forced to close the road while inspection teams carried out hazard assessments of shoulders, culverts and embankments. 

The gravel washed away from road verges during the storm has now been replaced, stabilising the edges of Pinnacle Road and making it safe for public access.

Please read Extreme flooding - changes to services for more information about current conditions across the City of Hobart.


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