Parking and Kerbside Management Plan

Hobart Parking and Kerbside Management Plan

The Parking and Kerbside Management Plan responds to identified priorities of the parking and kerbside management theme in the Hobart Transport Strategy 2024. The plan supports the City of Hobart in managing our transport network and street spaces.

The plan outlines actions to help deliver a simpler, fairer and more reliable approach to managing parking provision and the allocation of our city's kerbside space, with each user in mind and our shared public space – our streets.

What is parking?

Parking is the provision of all on-street and off-street, privately and publicly owned space available for short and long term storage of private vehicles, including cars, delivery vehicles, micromobility devices, scooters, motorcycles and bicycles.

What is kerbside space?

Kerbside space includes the edges of the roadway, the footpath side of the kerb, and can also include usable space inside the centre of roads or other areas, depending on street design.

Kerbside space is frequently used for parking and storage of cars, trucks, bicycles and motorcycles. Kerbside space is also used for other important city functions such as on-street dining, tree planting, public transport priority lanes and active transport lanes.

Our kerbsides are valuable public spaces that need to be carefully managed to support a wide range of city functions.

Hobart Parking and Kerbside Management Plan(PDF, 8MB)

Hobart Transport Strategy 2024

Our transport strategy supports an integrated, climate ready, efficient transport and land use system for Hobart. This is the strategy the Parking and Kerbside Management Plan directly responds to.

Learn more on the Hobart Transport Strategy 2024 page.