Rating and Valuation Strategy

To ensure the City of Hobart provides efficient and effective infrastructure, programs and services of value to our growing community, it is important our rating practices support the strategic outcomes outlined in our Capital City Strategic Plan 2023.

Through the adoption of our Rating and Valuation Strategy 2024-28 we aim to ensure Hobart has a rating system that is:

  • equitable for the entire city
  • affordable for the community
  • easy to understand
  • transparent
  • produces stable and predictable rate increases
  • supports ratepayers' capacity to pay
  • is sustainable, avoiding burdening future generations of ratepayers with large rate increases.

A rating strategy is important to the City of Hobart and its community because rates and charges are the main revenue source for local government, comprising approximately 65 per cent of our annual income.

The Rating and Valuation Strategy 2024-28 will guide the City of Hobart's rating practices for the next four years and will be reviewed in 2026.

Rating and Valuation Strategy - 2024-28(PDF, 4MB)