Soldiers Memorial Avenue Action Plan
The Soldiers Memorial Avenue commemorates men and one woman, who came from Hobart or their families were connected with Hobart, who during World War I were killed in action or died of wounds, sickness, disease or in accidents. It represents 18% of the total number of Tasmanians who died in service during World War 1. Soldiers Memorial Avenue (herein referred to as the Avenue) is one of Tasmania's most significant war memorials. It provides a direct link to the stories of love, loss and commemoration that arose from the tragedy of World War 1.
The first dedicated management plan for Soldiers Memorial Avenue was completed in 2004 (Howard 2004). That plan became the basis for planning and works along the Avenue coordinated and managed by the City of Hobart and the Friends of Soldiers Memorial Avenue (FOSMA). An assessment of that plan's implementation in 2018 reported that of 19 recommendations, only two had not been fully implemented, including an interpretation plan. Of the ten objectives identified, only three had not been fully realised.
A recent history report was prepared by Adrian Howard (2018) to chart changes on the Avenue since 2004. A new management plan was commissioned in 2019 to provide a greater focus on interpretation and wayfinding, to provide guidance on development of a stronger entry/entries to the site and a relationship with the Bridge of Remembrance and the City to Gardens Way, and to relate to the relevant plans and strategies developed since 2004.
This Action Plan builds on the research and compilation work done by consultants in 2020. It provides a concise document aimed at guiding CoH operations across the Avenue, and at providing a framework to assess proposals for use of the Avenue by external organisations.
Soldiers Memorial Avenue Action Plan(PDF, 786KB)
This Action Plan is to be reviewed within ten years.