Condition endorsement

Condition endorsement

Often planning permits will contain conditions which require further steps to be taken, including further plans or documents to be "submitted and approved".

We call this the condition endorsement phase, which is a secondary step in the planning process.

Approvals process

  1. Planning
  2. Condition endorsement
  3. Building and plumbing
  4. Other development permits and approvals

If a condition on your planning permit requires an assessment by the City of Hobart, you will need to submit to the City the drawing, design or detail required by the condition through the condition endorsement submission function in PlanBuild.


Which conditions need condition endorsement

Condition endorsement will be required for conditions which need:

  1. additional plans or documents to be submitted
  2. approval of those plans or documents by the City of Hobart.

For further guidance and examples, please see the attached document.

Examples of conditions which need condition endorsement(PDF, 217KB)

Who can lodge a condition endorsement application

If you were the applicant you will be able to log back into the system and submit the documentation. If you are a third party and have not used the system previously you will need to register as a user prior to submitting the documentation.

When to apply for condition endorsement

You will note that there is a specified time in which the condition needs to be met (i.e. before commencement of work or before any approval is granted pursuant to the Building Act 2016, whichever is the earlier). The documentation will need to be submitted and the condition endorsement issued before the event.

Where a permit condition is to be met before the issue of a building consent, you must obtain condition endorsement before lodgement of the building application.

Other documentation can be submitted at any time ensuring there is adequate time to get the condition endorsement before the event. If the condition is not met before the event enforcement action can be undertaken by the City of Hobart.

The documentation will undergo assessment as soon as possible by the relevant officer. You will receive the endorsement by email.

Condition endorsement timeframes

Condition endorsement applications must be assessed within 20 business days. The City has 15 business days to make a request for further information and this will stop the time running on the 20 business days. Once the further information is submitted, the City is entitled to 8 business days to assess it and inform the applicant whether the request for information has been satisfied. The time taken to assess that information does not count towards the 20 business day timeframe.