Collins Street Bikeway


The City of Hobart is developing designs for new bike lanes along Collins Street between Molle Street and Murray Street, connecting the CBD to the Hobart Rivulet Park track. 

The new bike lanes are part of our commitment to deliver transport choice for Hobart, giving people more options to ride bikes to and from the city centre for recreation, shopping and work. 


The Hobart Rivulet Park track provides a valued transport connection between South Hobart and the edge of the CBD for people walking, riding bikes and scooting. 

Extending this route along Collins Street will create a link between South Hobart and the city. 

Developing the designs has been jointly funded by the Tasmanian Government through a Better Active Transport for Greater Hobart grant and the City of Hobart.

Throughout May we engaged directly with business owners, operators and property owners along Collins Street, along with other key stakeholders, to share information about the project and seek feedback on the concept design.

Project status

Hobart City Council endorsed the concept plan for bike lanes on Collins Street at its meeting on 27 May.

We are undertaking detailed design and further engagement over the next six to eight weeks with business owners, operators and property owners, and other key stakeholders, to understand priorities for the remaining parking and loading areas on Collins Street and surrounding areas. 

Next steps

Pop up street information sessions

The sessions will provide you with insights into the project's objectives, benefits, and the planned timeline.

Information Session Details

  • Where: Collins Street, at the intersection of Victoria and Collins.
  • When: Thursday 13 June 4 pm to 5.30 pm and Friday 14 June 11 am to 1 pm.

This is a great opportunity to drop in and share your thoughts on the project, and learn more about how the Collins Street Bikeway Project aims to improve Collins Street, deliver transport choice, and enhance safety for all road users.

Members of the project team will be available to answer your questions.

We look forward to your participation and engagement. Please share the opportunity with the Collins Street business community. 

A detailed design is expected to be completed by July 2024.

Subject to Council approval and securing additional funding, it is expected to be installed in early 2025.

The adjustable infrastructure will remain in place for up to two years with ongoing community engagement, monitoring and evaluation to ensure it is functioning safely. 

Adjustments may be made during this phase before more permanent infrastructure is rolled out.

Frequently Asked Questions

What will the new bike lanes look like?

We are still in the design phase but the new lanes will be installed using adjustable infrastructure. This makes it quicker and cheaper to install and allows us to monitor, seek community feedback and identify any changes needed before we make the design permanent. This may include line marking, signage, bollards and other temporary materials that can be quickly installed and adjusted as required during the life of the project.

The current concept design includes protected bicycle lanes on both sides of Collins Street, from Molle Street to Murray Street, as well as a short section between Harrington Street and Victoria Street for a ‘shared zone’ where bike riders would share the traffic lane with general traffic.

Bicycle lanes will be separated from general traffic lanes by either parking bays, separator kerbing or painted line marking.

See endorsed concept plan.

Why has Collins Street been selected for new bike lanes?

People use a mixture of transport options to move around. To make sure there are safe and efficient routes for everyone to move on we prioritise some streets for different modes.

Creating safer pathways for people riding bicycles along Collins Street is a key action identified in:

Collins Street has also been identified as a strategic cycling corridor in the Inner Hobart Transport Network Operations Plan, which guides where different transport modes should be prioritised. 


How will parking be affected?

In some sections, parking bays will be located between bicycle lanes and vehicle lanes. This design has been implemented on Campbell Street and reduces the risk of collision between bicycle riders and drivers.

In other sections, kerbside parking bays will be removed to accommodate two vehicle lanes and two bicycle lanes. Important kerbside functions including goods loading and accessible parking have been prioritised, with 91 per cent of these functions maintained.

Our analysis indicates there is sufficient parking available on surrounding streets, including in nearby off-street car parks.

We will monitor parking occupancy and availability on Collins Street and surrounding streets as part of this project and manage impacts as needed.


How can I provide feedback?

Our team is available to discuss the project throughout June 2024 to share details of the concept design, including plans for each street block.

Our team is keen to understand from businesses what their priorities are for kerbside use (parking and loading) on Collins Street and surrounding areas. 

In addition to face-to-face conversations you can also reach a member of the project team using the contact details on this page. 


How can I keep up to date on the project?

We will make regular updates to this webpage and directly to our project mailing list at key milestones. 

To stay up to date, sign up here.