Parliament Street Reserve - Giant slide installation
Parliament Street Reserve will soon be home to Hobart’s largest slide, a 15 metre giant that will replace the old straight slide that was removed for safety reasons.
We’re calling it the Green Machine, and it will whisk kids downhill through a snakey tunnel built for fun and safety.
For your safety the work zone will be fenced off, please obey all local signage.
The new slide and landscaping is scheduled for completion in March.
Natural landscaping
As well as installing the new slide the City of Hobart will landscape the area with large dolerite rock work and new gardens, a picnic table and gravel paths to make it easier for families to access the area.
This project is supported by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of State Growth.
Safety first
- The new slide design was chosen to meet Australian Safety standards.
- The top is enclosed.
- Several turns in the slide helps control the speed of people on the slide.
- Soft fall areas will be built at both the top and bottom of the slide.
This project is supported by the Tasmanian Government through the Department of State Growth.
Design concepts