Recovery works in City bushland reserves

  • Project typeTrack and trail repair work
  • Project scheduleFebruary 2019 - September 2019
  • Contractor nameAccuraco (Project Management)


The City of Hobart is embarking on stage two of storm recovery works in our bushland reserves after the floods that occurred in Hobart over 10 - 11 May 2018.

The City's stage one response focused on damage repairs critical to human safety and essential services and included major works to rebuild a stone bridge on the North-South mountain bike track damaged by the floods.

Stage two recovery works will include repairing walking tracks in nine of our bushland reserves, including in Wellington Park, Queens Domain, Knocklofty and Waterworks reserves.

The works also include major repairs to fire trails and pedestrian bridges. Specific project information including trail closures and updates will be reflected on this page as works progress. 

The recovery works are being jointly funded by the City of Hobart and the Australian and Tasmanian governments' Natural Disaster Relief and Recovery Arrangements.

Bushland Walking Tracks

Project area  Project status 
Wellesley Park Completed March 7 2019 
Wellington Park (inc. Zig Zag)  May - October 2019
Knocklofty Reserve/ Providence Gully/ Queens Domain/ Hobart Rivulet  May - June 2019
Ridgeway Park and Waterworks Reserve May - June 2019


Project photos

Wellesley Park, completed

 Wellesley Park 1- WEB.jpgWellesley Park 2- WEB.jpgWellesley Park 3- WEB.jpg

Bushland Fire Trail Works

This map and table of the City of Hobart's bushland reserve network indicates fire trails with planned works scheduled. 

Reserve Fire Trails affected Project status 
Bicentennial Park Marlborough, Nicholas, Porter Hill, Signal Station, Nelson Shops and Rialannah    Completed April 2019 
Knocklofty Reserve Excells, Forest Road, Giblin ST, Knocklofty Main, McRobies Forest Road Link, McRobies Knocklofty Link, North Slope, Reservoir Tank and Southern Summit  In progress
Ridgeway Park Bramble West, Bramble East, Halls, Ridgeway, Tolmans, Vincents Rivulet, Water Main and Wayleave  In progress 
kunyani/Mt Wellington  Brushy Hill East, Brushy Hill, Lenah Valley, Main Fire, Pottery Newtown Link, Rivulet, Newtown  May 2019 

 Fire Trails Storm Recovery May 2019.jpg

Completed trails are highlighted on the map in green. 

Photos of completed fire trail upgrades