Sandy Bay Sauna Expression of Interest


The City of Hobart is looking to invite businesses to express their interest in establishing and operating a private sauna at Long Beach, Sandy Bay.

This initiative aims to provide beachgoers with a unique, low-impact health and wellbeing experience that complements the natural surroundings.

The sauna would be privately operated and run between April and October (inclusive), with the infrastructure removed outside this period.

This opportunity follows numerous business requests to operate a sauna on council land and the demonstrated success of similar experiences across Tasmania.

After a comprehensive site review, Long Beach was identified as the only suitable location within the local government area.

The expression of interest (EOI) process is expected to run in March and April, with the highest scoring applicant to be selected as the preferred operator.

Before this begins, we would like to give Sandy Bay residents and Long Beach users to chance to share their thoughts about the proposal.

They can do this by completing an online survey on the project's YourSay page, which will be open until Friday, March 14.

Map showing the proposed site of the sauna

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Where will the sauna be located?

The proposed sauna will be set up on a vacant, grassed area of public open space next to Long Beach in Sandy Bay.

How was the site chosen?

The City conducted a thorough review of potential sites, assessing factors such as location, beach access, accessibility, park values, nearby facilities, and title restrictions.

Long Beach was the only site that met all necessary criteria.

When would the sauna operate?

The proposed operational period is from April to October (inclusive), with the infrastructure removed from the site outside this period.

What impact will the sauna have on the local area?

The grassed area near Long Beach will remain accessible to the public while the sauna is in operation.

The business will not be allocated any specific parking spaces, however there are several public car parks nearby and this project is not expected to have a significant impact on parking availability.

The operator would require a planning permit for the site, which would include any relevant traffic management requirements.

Why is the City supporting this initiative?

Saunas offer a low-impact health and wellbeing experience that enhances the natural beach setting.

Similar businesses in other parts of Tasmania have been highly popular, and the City has received multiple requests for a local sauna.

The project would align with the Capital City Strategic Plan 2023, by providing a unique economic opportunity and attractive destination that activates open spaces and connects people to nature.

How much will it cost to use the sauna?

The private operator of the sauna business will determine the cost to use the service.

Applicants will be encouraged to provide additional community benefit in their EOI applications.

When does the application period open and close?

The application period will open after public feedback is reviewed.

Currently, it is expected to open in late March or early April.

How do I lodge an application?

Once the EOI process opens, applicants can access an EOI document detailing the required criteria and submission instructions.

How long will the license be for?

The initial license will be for 12 months, with the option to extend for a further two years, subject to CEO approval. A project review will then assess its long-term viability.