Argyle and Campbell Street bicycle connections

Argyle and Campbell Street bicycle connections

The City of Hobart has installed separated bicycle lanes along sections of Argyle Street and Campbell Street (between Brisbane and Davey Streets) and Bathurst Street (between Argyle and Campbell Streets).

These lanes provide an important link in the City's bicycle lane network and provide more options for people traveling to, through and around the city.

They connect with existing on-road bicycle lanes on Argyle and Campbell Streets, the Rose Garden Bridge and Queens Domain, the InterCity Cycleway and Sullivans Cove.

The project was funded by the Tasmanian Government and the Australian Government's Road Safety Program through a $1.725 million Vulnerable Road User grant. 

How the separated lanes work?

Cross section

In general, separated bicycle lanes are positioned between the kerb and parking spaces.

The lanes may also be used by micro mobility devices such as e-scooters. 

Signs and other treatments at signalised intersections have been added to help road users understand and comply with the changes.

To see what the bicycle lanes will look like on a specific section of road, view the designs: Argyle and Campbell Street bicycle lanes plans(PDF, 9MB)

New towaway zones

Part of the project includes the installation of Clearways to support traffic flow during the peak afternoon period.

This means that you will be able to park in the bays for most of the day but when traffic is at its heaviest between 4-6 pm on weekdays, it becomes a no parking lane. Vehicles left after this time will be towed.

Towaway zones will be introduced on:

  • Campbell Street between Collins and Davey Street
  • Bathurst Street between Argyle Street and Campbell Street

Cross section

The clearways operate in the lane next to the bike lane. Parking will be allowed as normally signed on the opposite side of the road.

New traffic signal

New signal

There are new bicycle traffic signals at the intersections of Campbell and Liverpool Street, and Campbell and Davey Street to ensure clear and safe movements for all road users.

How does it work?

Cars should obey the usual traffic signals as normal.

Bicycle lane users must only go when bicycle light is green.

The bicycle light operates in much the same way as the one at the Davey and Evans Street Junction.

Pedestrian and bicycles get a green light, at the same time as the main through traffic turns green. Bike lane users may go straight ahead or turn right, giving way to pedestrians.

The bike lane light turns red at the same time as the pedestrian light and the right arrow turns green for turning vehicles.

The new signal phase benefits cars and pedestrians as well by preventing potential collisions between pedestrians and turning vehicles.

New 'sharrow' road marking

Sharrow marking

It was not possible to provide a separated bike lane on a section of Argyle Street between Melville and Brisbane Street.

Bicycle lane users have to briefly merge with traffic. We use signage and 'sharrow' markings to alert cars that cyclists will likely be sharing the lane and remind them that cyclists are welcome on the road.

Sharrows are commonly used in cities in Australia and around the world. The name combines 'share' with 'arrow'.

As well as encouraging safer driving around cyclists, sharrows also help cyclists to position themselves to avoid vehicles passing too closely.

Background and consultation

In December 2019, Council resolved to consult on a possible bicycle lane trial with adjacent property owners and occupiers.

Consultation was carried out in June 2020. Owners and occupiers of adjacent properties were asked to provide feedback on concept design. We also engaged with:

  • University of Tasmania
  • RACT
  • Tasmanian Bus Association
  • Bus companies including Metro, RedDecker, Skybus, O'Driscoll, Redline, Gilbert Coaches, TassieLink
  • Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery
  • Tasmanian Fire Service
  • TasPolice
  • Ambulance Tasmania
  • TasPorts
  • Department of State Growth – Passenger Transport
  • Tasmanian Health Service.

Stakeholders were given the opportunity to ask questions and were encouraged to provide comment on the project by completing a feedback form.

The engagement provided some useful feedback used to help refine the design including some suggestions to improve safety.

During 2020, and in collaboration with officers of the Department of State Growth (Transport Division), further work was undertaken to refine the traffic modelling and concept design.

An Engagement Report detailing the comments received and design responses was presented to the 28 April 2021 City Infrastructure Committee.

The Committee recommended the proposed bicycle facilities be installed subject to a successful grant funding proposal and this was endorsed by the Council at its 10 May 2021 Council Meeting.

The Tasmanian Government approved a Vulnerable Road User grant to fund the project in November 2021.

Detailed designs were finalised and a Development Application was submitted in May 2023. Council in its role as planning authority considered approved the Development Application at its 14 June Planning Committee meeting.

Frequently asked questions (FAQs)

Why were these streets chosen for cycling infrastructure?

Argyle and Campbell Streets are identified as part of the cycling network in the Greater Hobart Cycling Plan, a key output of the Hobart City Deal and the Greater Hobart Transport Vision.

These streets were chosen as they had sufficient road space to introduce on- road bicycle facilities and they connect a substantial portion of the North Hobart suburb to the City centre.

In 2009 the City of Hobart installed bicycle lanes on Argyle Street and Campbell Street from Federal Street in North Hobart to Brisbane Street. Those lanes however just stopped at Brisbane Street, this project now begins the process of completing a missing link of these bicycle facilities to the Hobart waterfront, and the Intercity Cycleway.

Linking bicycle facilities to create a continuous network substantially increases the attractiveness of using a bicycle or micro-mobility device to move around. 

What are the benefits of having bike lanes between parked cars and the kerb?

When bicycle riders are separated from moving traffic the risk of a collision is reduced.

Providing safer route options increases the likelihood of people taking active transport options like cycling or scooters.

Separated bicycle facilities such as these can be found in many Australian towns and cities. In Hobart the first separated bicycle lane of this type was implemented in Degraves Street in South Hobart over 10 years ago so we know it works well.

Will any car parks be permanently removed?

To improve safety and efficiency for all road users there will be 19 parking spaces removed next to junctions across the project area. View the design plans for details: Argyle and Campbell Street bicycle lanes plans(PDF, 9MB)

'Clearways' will operate weekdays between 4-6 pm on:

  • Campbell Street between Collins and Davey Street
  • Bathurst Street between Argyle Street and Campbell Street

How will the clearways be enforced?

As is currently the case on Macquarie Street, vehicles which are parked in the clearways when they are operating will be issued with a fine and the vehicle will be towed.

There will be a further charge for the recovery of a towed vehicle.

More information on the operation of the clearways will be made available closer to installation.

Will adding these bicycle lanes increase traffic congestion?

Independent traffic modelling shows that there is enough road capacity most of the time to accommodate the new bicycle lanes. The clearways will assist traffic flow during the afternoon peak hour on Campbell and Bathurst Streets.

When and how will the effectiveness of the bike lanes be evaluated?

We will monitor the new infrastructure closely do identify what is working well and if any changes are needed to improve traffic flow and safety for all road users.

Once it is operational, we will invite the community to provide feedback on the new infrastructure using an online feedback form.

After 12 months of operation, the trial will be evaluated and a report provided to Council to consider these possible changes and next steps.

Where else can I park during clearway times?

Off street parking is available nearby in the Dunn Street carpark and the Argyle Street carpark. There are usually many spaces available in these carparks during clearway operation times.


Argyle and Campbell Streets, Hobart 7000  View Map

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