South Hobart Tip Shop

Image of a person doing tapestry at The Tip Shop

Please note: the Tip Shop's operating hours have changed. Please check the new hours below before visiting the Resource Tip Shop.

Resource Tip Shop in South Hobart is operated by Australia's largest worker cooperative, Resource Work Cooperative. Resource is a not-for-profit, self-funding co-op established to provide employment and minimise waste.

The Tip Shop is located at the McRobies Gully Waste Management Centre (the tip), at the end of McRobies Road in South Hobart.

More details can be found on the Resource Work Cooperative website or on their Facebook and Instagram pages.

Resource Tip Shop opening hours

Monday to Friday 8 am - 4 pm
Weekends and public holidays 10 am - 4 pm
Christmas Day, New Year's Day and Good Friday Closed

Community pickup service

The Resource Work Cooperative provides a free reusable goods collection service from residential and commercial premises across greater Hobart. This includes the collection of left-over materials from a building project and household items you no longer need, like furniture, doors and windows, clothing, timber, metals and tools of all kinds.

Phone: 1300 575 866


Further information

Phone: 03 6224 8669

Resource Work Cooperative website